BS 5975 is the code of practice for temporary works procedures. It gives guidance and
recommendations on the procedures to be applied to all aspects of temporary works on a

It also includes guidance on design, specification, construction, use and dismantling
of falsework and guidance on permissible stress design of falsework. As a simple
Section 1 - BS 5975 gives recommendations in relation to training and education in
temporary works and temporary works procedures.
Section 2 - BS 5975 gives recommendations for the procedures required to ensure that
temporary works are conceived, designed, specified, constructed, used and dismantled in a
safe and controlled manner suitable for all construction projects.
Section 3 - BS 5975 covers the design of temporary works and in particular the design of
falsework and relevant formwork.
Red Fox Construction & Contracting can support your project from tender preparation and pre-construction planning, to managing temporary works design development and temporary works coordination on your construction site, fully compliant to BS 5975.
Contact us to discuss your next project.